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Baroness Kimberly Moore was recently awarded the 1st "Key to the City" of Bell Gardens after adoptin

On Monday, April 22, 2013- Hundreds of people gather together to attend Kimberly Moore’s special “Key to the City” ceremony located at Bell Garden’s City Hall.


Moore was honored for her tireless efforts and humanitarian achievements which resulted in impacting the lives of over 25,000 children living in underprivileged communities. Over 200 residents of Bell Gardens attended the ceremony along with some of the students impacted at Bell Gardens High School by her “Keeping Harmony Alive” campaign and her “Adopt A Letter” kids whose homes she has visited during the holidays making Christmas wishes come true.


It was a very emotional day for Baroness Kimberly Moore after Mayor Pedro Aceituno, Mayor Pro Tem Sergio Infanzon, Councilmember Priscilla Flores, Councilmember Jennifer Rodriguez and Councilmember Daniel Crespo presented her with the first “Key to the City" at a 2 hour ceremony at City Hall. Moore has been successful in bringing hope to over 25,000 children in the community by answering their Christmas wishes and delivering each and every gift directly to their doorstep through the Kimberly Moore Foundation’s -Adopt A Letter program. Moore was also responsible for saving the music programs at Bell Gardens H.S. by supplying them with enough instruments to secure it for the next 15-20 years through her Keeping Harmony Alive Campaign. Moore has now taken her programs of the Kimberly Moore Foundation to next level providing mentoring, encouragement, tutelage and the working experience for young teens in order to live out their dreams through her new program and documentary tv series called “When Opportunity Knocks".


Moore says, “I am absolutely speechless, never in a million years I ever thought I would receive something like this. It is a double honor to receive the first Key to the City ever presented by the City Of Bell Gardens. I am overwhelmed with emotions and feel extremely humbled to be standing before all of you today”.

At the event, Moore was surprised again to receive another award by the “California State Assembly” for her philanthropic initiatives and unwavering commitment to the 58th district. Moore was also presented with a plaque by the “Children of Bell Gardens” for being a role model and making dreams come true. Many of the children whose lives she has touched insignificantly stood up to express their appreciation and spoke of the impact Moore has had on their lives. Grissel Luna in tears says “I wouldn’t be in college today if it weren’t for Kimberly’s encouragement and support. She has been there for us like a big sister to me and my brother and has allowed us to get involve with her program to pay it forward and help other families in need.”


City Hall proceeded with an appreciation speech by Councilmember Daniel Crespo who also prepared a 30 minute documentary video compilation of Kimberly Moore's success in various media channels and her surprise deliveries to children's homes throughout the community which ended in crowds cheering! Moore was teary eyed as she held her husbands hand and could barely speak. Once again, Moore thanked everyone in the room who came to celebrate this tremendous honor and called out specific children who were present at the event, whom she watched grow throughout the years.. "A lot of the children here have really inspired me and by giving to them and seeing the impact we have made in their lives, has allowed me to open my heart and look deeper within myself. These children have impacted me just the same as they brought purpose and meaning into my life. Because of them I am blessed." says Moore.


Moore was accompanied by her husband musician Rick Vanderkleijn, Barbara DeVorzon and some of her Echelon members and close friends. Moore was also congratulated by Mayor Jimmy Delshad of Beverly Hills, Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, Peace Ambassador Liel Kolet, Actor Adrian Paul and many more. After Moore celebrated at the DeVorzon Gallery with a private dinner and concert!


The Key to the City is an ancient honor reserved for dignitaries and heroes—to esteemed and everyday citizens alike. Recipients typically have achieved a high national and/or international profile and are honored for work related to outstanding commitment and dedication to human rights and uplifting communities.

Baroness Kimberly Moore’s jacket was designed by couture designer Mario Alberto of Dallas, Texas.

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