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Here is the short version of a 2 page letter.

Dear Santa.. My name is Denise, I am 13yrs old and was born with 2 kidneys on one side and had to undergo many lot's of pain, suffering and surgeries ever since just to fix myself. I was also diagnosed with asthma and that has gotten worse over time. This year I suffered more asthma attacks than any other year. My parents suffer alot because of my illness as they live in constant worry about my health. To make matters worse, I also got dianosed with advance scoliosis and will have to do a surgery on December 17th in which they will put a metal bar in my back to make my spine straight. I have alot of pain in my chest and in my back and feel terrible that my mom and dad have to go through this. Every day I thank God for giving me a loving and supportive family. My my and dad will always be at my side and can never imagine a world without them. My sister is my suport system and is always there to make me smile and my brother is my sparkle. I want Santa to bless everyone that exist in my life and bring my family happiness because they deserve it. If I could have another wish it would be to meet the group One Direction. They have been there to make me laugh and smile through my years of suffering. I would do anything to meet them and would mean the world to me. Please help everyone that needs your help, God bless you and Merry Christmas!

Denise 13yrs (#30221)

  • Denise is the young girl we went to visit with FOX News a few years back. She is the one that made us all cry. I have kept in touch with the family and is true.. this young girl is truly suffering, always in the hospital and at times her teachers have to call an ambulance to rush her to the hospital. Denise just got admitted to the hospital and is intensive care. I will go visit her. If anyone can find this group: ONE DIRECTION, please put them in contact with me. Maybe we can get them to come to the hospital and surprise her!

    Her mom wrote me a letter and said another big dream would be for her to go to disneyland. Maybe we can get them 4 tickets until we can find them band One Direction. Email us at:

©2014 Adopt A Letter, is a program under the Kimberly Moore Foundation. The Kimberly Moore Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit recognized by the IRS, and all donations to the Kimberly Moore Foundation  are tax-deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.

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